
Paths of my Past


A mixed media project to examine who we are, based on where we came from.

From 6:30pm until 8:30pm

At Alis Living Lifestyle Boutique

6938 E. 1st St. Scottsdale Arizona 85251


Debra Garza / debra@lavendersblueart.com

Our collective pasts has created the path we follow to who we are at present, and who we will become in the future. Examine familiar

and unfamiliar aspects of yourself through this mixed media project of self-discovery. Mixed media is a combination of medias and is

closely related to "assemblage" and "collage", where 3D objects can also be added.  Dig through those boxes of vintage photographs for pictures

of generations and places from the past. We will be using those pictures as part of an final image that will

"tell your story" about who you are. 

There are 10 places available.